Degré : 40 %
Liste des recettes à base de Vodka :
- 3 p'tit chat
- 43 nutty russians
- 44 D
- 4th of July
- 57 T-bird
- 57 T-bird with Detroit plates
- 95 North
- A-Bomb
- A.S.S.
- Absolu HB
- Absolut aphrodisiac
- Absolut in the ocean
- Absolut nut
- Absolut Quaalude
- Absolut Royal Fuck
- Absolut sex
- Absolut stress
- Absolut testa rossa
- Absolut Tooch
- Absolut white death
- Absolutely fruity
- Adios Motherfucker
- Adult lit
- After eight
- Afterburner
- Agressive blow job
- Alabama slammer gélatine
- Alabama slammer n° 2
- Alabama slammer n° 3
- Alien n° 2
- Alien secretion
- Alley shooter
- Almond joy n° 2
- Amaretto chill
- Amaretto lemon drop
- Anti-freeze
- Anti-freeze n° 2
- Anti-freeze n° 3
- Anti-freeze n° 5
- Antifreeze
- Apple delight
- Apple dumpling
- Apple jolly rancher
- Apple pie
- Apple pie shooter
- Apple sensation 2000
- Arctic front
- Arizona antifreeze
- Arkansas Razorback
- Astronaut shooter
- Atlanta's burning
- Atomic green shot
- B-69
- B.V.B.
- Baby Ruth
- Back shot
- Backfire
- Bad habit
- Bailey's comet
- Bambino
- Banana popsicle
- Banana split shooter
- Bananarama
- Barbie Shot
- Bart Simpson
- Bartender on the beach at suns
- Battery pack jigglers
- Bay of passion shot
- Bazooka
- Bazouka
- Beach bum
- Beelzebub
- Beetlejuice
- Berry blast
- Berry end
- Big island iced tea gélatine
- Big Mo Shooter
- Bikini
- Bikini line
- Bionic beaver
- Birdie Nam Nam
- Black and blue shark
- Black banana
- Black eye
- Blood rush
- Bloody Caesar
- Bloody good shot
- Bloody simple
- Blow job n° 2
- Blowjob
- Blowjob 2
- Blue blood
- Blue ice
- Blue Kamakazi
- Blue Kamikaze
- Blue Kiosk
- Blue lemon drop
- Blue meanie
- Blue monday
- Blue motorcycle
- Blue oil slick
- Blue polar bear
- Blue Slammer
- Bluebeard
- Blueberry lemonade
- Blushin' russian shooter
- Bocci ball
- Body shot
- Bomber shooter
- Bonzai pipeline
- Booger
- Border conflict shooter
- Boxer shorts
- Brain eraser
- Brighton beach hot dog
- Brooklyn Zoo
- Bruised heart
- Bubble gum n° 2
- Bubble gum n° 3
- Bubble gum n° 4
- Bubble gum n° 6
- Bull shot
- Bull shot n° 3
- Bush pig
- Butt-kicker
- Buzz-saw jigglers
- C.B.
- California kazi
- Cape cod shooter
- Caramba
- Casba shot
- Casse-noisettes
- Cat nip
- Cerebellum
- Cervelle
- Chambeird
- Chambord candy apple martini
- Chambord French martini
- Chambord iceberg
- Chartreuse experience
- Chien enragé
- China beach
- Chiquita
- Chocolate cake
- Chocolate pucker
- Chopper stopper
- Choupito
- Choupito poire
- Chpok
- Circus peanut
- Citrus shooter
- Clay pigeon
- Cocaïne liquide
- Cocaîne liquide n° 2
- Coco show
- Colgate
- Colorado M.F.
- Comfortable woo
- Cool mint listerine
- Cordless screwdriver
- Cosmos
- Cough Syrup
- Cow-boy
- Cran-a-kazi
- Creamy orgasm
- Crimson tide
- Cruise missile
- Cucumber martini
- Cum scorcher
- Dead canary
- Dead green frog
- Dead nazi
- Death by sex
- Deep throat
- Detox
- Dickie toe cheese
- Dirty devil
- Dirty Diaper
- Dollar bill
- Domingo
- Dr Evil
- Dr. Pepper shot
- Dragon ball Z GT
- Duck fuck
- Duck pin
- Duo shot
- E.T
- Ejaculation
- Electric iced tea gélatine
- Electric jelly
- Electric kamikaze
- Electric popsicle
- Elephant's foot
- Elvis Presley
- Epidural
- Estonian fire forest
- Extraterrestial
- Eye drop
- Fanny pack
- Fatkid on the rocks
- Fazel tov
- Fiesta
- Finnigan's wake
- Fire bomb
- Fireball n° 2
- Flaming cocaine
- Flaming Jesus
- Flaming russian
- Flower kiss
- Flying grasshopper
- Flying Moose
- Flying purple people eater
- Fog
- Fools gold
- Forbidden cinnamon apple
- Foxy lady
- Freddy krueger
- Freddy Kruger
- Freedent
- French hooker
- French kamikaze
- French whore
- Frïs your nuts
- Fruity pebble
- Frustuck
- Fuck in the graveyard
- Funky bitch
- Funky cold medina
- Fuzzy monkey
- Fuzzy navel
- Fuzzy nipple
- Fuzzy russian
- Fuzzy screw
- Fuzzy screw shot
- G bomb
- G.T.O.
- Galactic ale
- Galactic ale n° 2
- Galliano viking
- Gallstone shooter
- Gangbuster punch
- Geisha
- Ghostbuster
- Ghostbusters
- Godhead
- Godiva chocolate martini
- Godmother
- Good 'n plenty n° 3
- Gorilla's fart
- Grandmom's slipper
- Grandpa is alive
- Grape ape
- Grape crush
- Grape juice
- Grasshoper
- Grateful dead
- Greasy swede
- Greek lightning
- Green beret
- Green demon
- Green demon n° 2
- Green dinosaur
- Green dinosaur n°3
- Green lantern
- Green slime
- Green sneaker
- Greene thing
- Gremlin
- Grenade
- Grenouille paf
- Gross one
- Ground zero
- Guillotine
- Gumby
- Hairy navel
- Hairy navel gélatine
- Halloween's Dom
- Hand grenade
- Hauntini
- Hawaiian
- Hawaiian punch from hell
- Hawaiian Shooter
- Hawaiian volcano
- Hay fever remedy
- Heather's hot flash
- Hialeah hooker
- Hide the banana
- Holiday seabreeze
- Hollywood
- Honolulu action
- Hooter
- Horny bull (3)
- Horny bull (4)
- Horny Lil' indian
- Hot bitch
- Hot damn !
- Hot shot n° 3
- Hot spot
- Hurricane Hugo
- I go to purdue
- Ice blue aqua velva
- Ice caps
- Ice pick
- Iceberg shooter
- Idaho gold martini
- If life hands you a limon
- Iguana n°2
- Illusion
- Illusion shooter
- Incredible Hulk n°2
- Indian summer
- Inebriator
- International incident
- Irish melon ball
- Irish Quaalude
- Iron butterfly
- Italian russian
- Jagasm
- Jager eraser
- Je t'aime
- Jefferson blues
- Jellies & cream
- Jethro Tull flute
- Jo-Nut
- Joey F's grape ape
- Johnny on the beach
- Juicy fruit
- Juicy volkheimer
- Kalachnikov
- Kamakazie
- Kamikaze
- Kamikaze blue
- Kamikazi
- Karla's creation
- Kaytusha rocker
- Keno Koolaid
- Killer kool aid n° 2
- Killer kool-aid
- Kiss cool n° 2
- Kiss cool n° 3
- Kiss cool n° 4
- Knickerbocker
- Kohala lighthouse
- Kohala lighthouse gélatine
- Koko's melon adventure jello
- Kool aid gélatine
- Kremlin shooter
- Krypto kami
- L'expé
- Lala's lumps
- Lava lamp
- Le Michou
- Lemon drop
- Lemon drop jell-o shots
- Lemon drop n° 3
- Lemon shooters
- Lemonhead
- Lethal weapon
- Lick-her-itch
- Licorice stick n° 2
- Life saver
- Light green panties
- Lightning in a dixie cup jigge
- Lil' Johnson
- Lime lizard
- Liquid babysitter
- Liquid cocaine
- Liquid cocaine n°5
- Liquid cocaine n°6
- Liquid Quaalude
- Liquid sex
- Liquid valium
- Long island iced tea gélatine
- Long island shooter
- Love juice
- Lube job
- Lucky seven
- Lui Lui
- Lusty Lisa
- LUX VodkA
- Mad hatter
- Madras shooter
- Mage's fire
- Malibu barbie
- Malibu classic
- Malibu sex on the beach
- Manchurian candidate
- Mattapoo
- Meat and potatoes
- Melon ball
- Melon ball gélatine
- Melon ball n° 2
- Melon ball n° 3
- Melon snowball
- Melonoma
- Memory loss
- Mexican flag n° 2
- Mexican stand-off
- Milky way n° 2
- Mind eraser
- Mind eraser n° 2
- Miss Kittin
- Mission accomplished
- Mississipi mud pie
- Molotov
- Monkey pop
- Monsoon
- Moose fart
- Morticia
- Moth & moose
- Mother load
- Mother pucker
- Mud slide
- Mudslide
- Mudsline
- Mustang Sally
- MVP's strawberry bomb
- Naked navel
- Naked yellow bird
- Napalm bomb
- Nashville shooter
- Neon ghost
- Nero's delight
- Northern europe mongrel
- Nuclear accelerator
- Nuclear iced tea gélatine
- Nuclear waste
- Nut cracker n° 2
- Nut slammer
- Nutcracker
- Nuthugger
- NyQuil
- Obamatini
- Opening night
- Opera house special
- Orange bush
- Orange crush
- Orange crush shooter
- Orgasm n° 3
- Orgasme n° 2
- Oyster shooter
- Pandor citron
- Pants on fire
- Paralyser
- Paramedic
- Patmcpacke
- Paul raspberry
- PB&J
- Peach kazi
- Pear Harbor
- Pedra stone
- Pee Wee's beamer
- Peltikatto
- Penetrator
- Peppermint twist
- Peter
- Phone call to god
- Photon torpedo
- Pineapple martini gélatine
- Pineapple upside down cake
- Pink pootang
- Pink ranger
- Pleading insanity
- Poison apple
- Polar bear
- Polish red hair (Cherry coke)
- Polish wild dog
- Pom' o Midori
- Poppy
- Porto Covo
- Power drill
- Pumpkin pie
- Pumpkin smasher
- Purple elastic thunder fuck
- Purple haze
- Purple haze n° 2
- Purple hooter
- Purple hooter gélatine
- Purple hooter n° 2
- Purple hooter shooter
- Purple mexican
- Purple penis
- Purple rain
- Purple Rain Shot
- Purple Shroud
- Raspberry Kamikazie
- Raspberry screamer
- Raspberry shooter
- Raspberry tootsie roll pop
- Rastini
- Raven shooter
- Razztini gélatine
- Real gold
- Red baron
- Red bird special
- Red devil
- Red Eyed hell
- Red hot n° 2
- Red kiss
- Red kiss chocolat
- Red Mosquito
- Red october
- Red panties
- Red russian
- Red shark
- Red square
- Rigor Mortis
- Rocket Fuel #3
- Roulette russe
- Ruby red
- Rumka
- Russian Apple
- Russian Bloody Mary
- Russian Candy
- Russian defect
- Russian Iceberg
- Russian Mothers Milk
- Russian quaalude
- Russian roulette
- Russian Shamrock
- Russie
- Rusty Sheriffs Badge
- Sabra
- Sambuca slide
- Sand slide
- Sandbar Sleeper
- Sang de dragon
- Scorpion
- Screamer
- Screaming cranapple shooter
- Screaming orgasm
- Screaming Orgasm #3
- Screaming orgasm against wall
- Screaming Orgasm II
- Screaming orgasm n° 2
- Screaming orgasm n° 3
- Sea breeze
- Sea breeze shooter
- Second childhood
- Sex in the parking lot
- Sex On Daytona Beach
- Sex on the beach
- Sex on the Beach #3
- Sex on the beach gélatine
- Sex on the beach n° 2
- Sex on the beach n° 5
- Sex on the Clock
- Sex on the pool table
- Sexe sur une plage d'Arizona
- Sexy lemon drop
- Sexy Lemon Slam
- Sharpshooter
- Shittin' Blue
- Shogun shooter
- Shooter vodka barbe à papa
- Shooting star
- Shot
- Shot of Hell
- Shot piquant
- Shrek
- Siberian cold
- Siberian express
- Siberian Frost
- Siberian toolkit
- Silk panties
- Silk panties n° 2
- Silver spider
- SilverLined Tragedy
- Sizzler
- Skandia-iceberg
- Ski Shooter
- Slice of apple pie
- Slimeball
- Slippery Lips
- slippery Saddle
- Sloe Slop
- Slurrricane
- Slut juice
- Snakebite #2
- Sneakers
- Snow drop
- Solar flare
- Son of a beach
- Sophomore mixer
- Soul Taker
- Sour grapes
- Sour lemon
- Sour vodka
- Specimen
- Speedball
- Sperm
- Spook
- Squirrel
- Stained Blue Dress
- Starburst
- Start Me Up
- Steamboat
- Stinger Shot
- Stoli buster
- Stop and go naked
- Stop Light
- Stoplight
- Strawberry field
- Strip and go naked
- Suicidal
- Suicide blonde
- Sunset
- Super Balrog
- Super screw or F.S.
- Super Stalin
- Swedish kiss
- Swedish quaalude
- Sweet tarts
- Sweet tooth
- Sweet vodka
- T-bird
- Tablazo
- Tagada
- Tampon String
- Tase And Name It
- Teddybear Shooter
- Tête de mort
- Texas Cool-Aid
- Texas Lightning Bolt
- Texas Sweat
- The Bathroom Floor
- The Big Johnson #2
- The Big-V
- The bomb
- The brigantine greenhead
- The Cherry Bomb
- The Chiquita
- The Cum Shot
- The don
- The End Of The World
- The green monster
- The green wave
- The Irish Roundhouse Kick
- The lady in red
- The Minion
- The moby
- The orangatang
- The pink panty
- The Pink Taco
- The polish pounder
- The postman
- The runayan
- The runyan n°2
- The screw
- The Train
- The Two
- Thin blue line
- Three Wise Men #3
- Three Wise Men on a Cold Mexic
- Thumb Press
- Tidy bowl
- Tip 'n top
- Tip top Mavela
- Tomakazi
- Tootsi Roll
- Tootsie Roll n° 2
- Top banana
- Touchdown
- Tovà rich
- Tree climber
- Trou coustellous
- Tsunami
- Turbo
- Twisted red licorice
- Twister
- Tyson bites
- Unabomber
- Under Kurant
- Unholy water
- Unknown Warrior
- Upper cut (Uppercut)
- Upstarter
- Urine Sample #2
- USS Enterprise
- Valentine's day
- Vampire
- Vampire kiss martini
- Vine climber
- Vocachino shot
- Vodka
- Vodka Bounty
- Vodka bubble gum
- Vodka figues
- vodka glacée à la menthe
- Vodka litchi
- Vodtagada
- Volvo
- Waf waf
- Wandering minstrel shooter
- Warm Apple Pie
- Warped willie shooter
- Warsaw Waffle
- Watermelon crawl
- Watermelon N°2
- Watermelon shot
- Wave breaker
- Wayne's world or 2000 flushes
- We Attack at Dawn
- Week at the beach
- Wet pussy
- Whistling Gypsy
- White spider
- Wild Berry Pop-Tart
- Wild thing
- William Wallace
- Windex
- Windex N°2
- Wiper Fluid
- Wobbling down the street
- Wobbling green beret
- Woo Woo
- Wowoo shooter
- Wsciekly pies (chien enragé)
- X-Taz
- Y2K Shot #2
- Yellow belly c.s.
- Yellow rose
- Yellow snow
- Zhivago's Revenge
- Zimbabwe
- Zipperhead
- Zool