Liqueur d'amandes (Amaretto)
Degré : 25 %
Liste des recettes à base de Liqueur d'amandes (Amaretto) :
- 1-900-Fuk-Meup
- 43 nutty russians
- 57 Chevy
- 57 T-bird with Detroit plates
- 747
- 95 North
- A joy of almond
- A.T.B
- ABC, the Genuine
- Alabama slammer n° 2
- Alabama slammer n° 3
- Alabama slammer n° 4
- Alaskan pipeline
- All nuts gélatine
- Alley shooter
- Almond delight
- Almond joy gélatine
- Almond joy n° 2
- Almond joy n° 3
- Almond joy shooter
- Almond smash
- Aloha shooter
- Amaretto chill
- Amaretto lemon drop
- Amaretto pop
- Amaretto sour jello shot
- Amaretto sours
- Amberjack
- Amenie mama
- American dream
- Angry German
- Apple delight
- Arkansas Razorback
- Armadillo
- Asthma attack
- Astropop
- August moon
- B-69
- B-Day
- B4-12
- Bad attitude
- Bah Humburg
- Bambino
- Bananarama n° 3
- Bananasplit
- Bart Simpson n° 2
- Bayou juice
- Beam me up
- Bean there, done that !
- Beetlejuice
- Bend me over
- Berry nuts
- Big bobbies
- Big Mo Shooter
- Blow job
- Blowjob
- Blue caboose
- Blueberry cheesecake
- Bocci ball
- Bomber shooter
- Bonfire
- Bong water
- Bourbon street
- Brain destroyer
- Brain eraser
- Brain teaser
- Broken-down gold cart
- Brown squirrel
- Bush pig
- Butt fucks
- Buzzard's breath
- Ca-ca
- Calypso cooler
- Canadian boot
- Capital punishment
- Chadallac
- Charlie's angel
- Cheerleader
- Cherry blow pop
- Cherry blow up
- Cherry lifesaver
- Chocolate almond
- Chocolate almond pie
- Chocolate covered cherry n° 3
- Chocolate orgasm
- Chocolate-covered cherries
- Cocaine Shooter
- Coconut bon-bon
- Coffee grinder
- Comfort zone
- Cookie dough
- Cool-aid
- Cool-aid n° 2
- Cool-aid n° 3
- Cosmic milk
- Coup de foudre
- Cranberry Cookie
- Cream in da panties
- Creamy orgasm
- Crispy shooter
- Crystal virgin
- Dallas Alice
- Dangerous grandma
- Death by sex
- Dirty Diaper
- Doucet devil
- Dr Pepper
- Dr Pepper n° 3
- Dr. Pepper
- Dr. Pepper n° 2
- Dr. Pepper shot
- Drapeau italien
- Drapeau mexicain n° 2
- Dreamsicle
- Dunham good
- Dunikaze
- Earthquake
- Earthquake n° 2
- Elwoods shooter
- Empire strikes back
- Eskimo kiss
- F-69
- Fat cat
- Fifty-seven ('57) T-bird
- Fisherman's wharf
- Flaming Dr. Pepper
- Flaming Dr. Pepper n° 2
- Flaming rasta
- Foreplay
- Foxy lady
- French kiss
- Fruit loop n°2
- Full moon
- G-spot n° 2
- G.T.O.
- G4
- G8
- Gator juice
- Gladiator
- Godchild
- Godfather
- Godmother
- Golden T
- Grand Am
- Grand slam
- Grandpa is alive
- Gross one
- Gum drop
- Harbor lights n° 4
- Hawaiian
- Hawaiian punch
- Hawaiian punch from hell
- Hawaiian punch gélatine
- Hawaiian punch n°3
- Hawaiian Shooter
- Hawaiian sugar plantation
- Hay fever remedy
- Hey Renee
- Hide the banana
- Hooter
- Hot cherry pie
- Hot lava
- Hot stuff
- Hurricane Hugo
- I love Rosa
- Inebriator
- International incident
- Irish headlock
- Italian spear
- Italian stallion
- Italian valium
- Jack O'Lantern
- Jack Voight
- Jagasm
- Jelly bean n° 3
- Jelly fish
- Jelly fish n° 2
- Jellyfish
- Jim's nuts
- Joe Cocker
- Jungle juice n°3
- Keith Jackson
- Kickin' chicken
- Killer kool aid n° 2
- Kiwi kicker
- Knickerbocker
- Kool aid
- Kool aid gélatine
- Krazy kool-aid
- Landslide
- Liquid cocaine
- Liquid cocaine n° 2
- Liquid cocaine n°6
- Lobotomy
- Love me to death
- Luch box n°2
- Lucky seven
- M&M
- M.D. Pepper
- Mai tai gélatine
- Martins spécial
- Midnight oil
- Miles of Smiles
- Milky way
- Mona's man
- Monsoon
- Moody blue
- Morgan's wench
- Mother's milk
- Muff diver
- Neutron blaster
- New York slammer
- Ninja turtle
- Nuclear rainbow
- Nut slammer
- Nuts 'n holly
- Oh my gosh
- Orgasm n° 2
- Orgasm n° 5
- Orgasm n° 6
- Orgasm n° 7
- P.H
- Pablo's shot
- Panty burner
- Papa G
- Paranoïa
- Paranoia n° 2
- Peach almond shake
- Pecker head
- Peckerhead
- Perfect Flaming Dr. Pepper
- Pineapple bomb n° 3
- Pineapple bomb n° 4
- Pink belly
- Pink floyd
- Polish red hair (Cherry coke)
- Potion magique
- Purple Alaskan thunder
- Purple elastic thunder fuck
- Purple motherfucker
- Raspberry tootsie roll pop
- Razor
- Reality twist
- Red baron n°2
- Red death
- Red devil
- Red hot nuggets
- Red lobster
- Red royal shot
- Red shark
- Red snapper
- Rigor Mortis
- Rocky mountain
- Rocky Mountain Mother Fucker
- Rocky road
- Romona Banana
- Rotten Pussy
- Royal Scandal
- Ruby ridge
- Sax With T.
- Scooter
- Screaming orgasm
- Screaming orgasm against wall
- Screaming Orgasm II
- Sex At My House
- Sex with the captain
- Sex, lies and video pocker
- Sexual Harrassment
- Sexy Alligator
- Sicilian kiss
- Ski Shooter
- Slammer
- Slippery Nuts Shooter
- Smarty
- Smiles
- Smoot and Sweet
- Smooth Dog
- Smoothie
- Snap dragon
- Sneakers
- Soul Taker
- Southern bondage
- Southern Don
- Southern Kiss
- Southern smile
- Southern style kool aid
- Spasm
- Speedy Gonzales
- Spice Cake
- Sprawling Dubinsky
- Squirrels fantasy
- Stevie Wonder
- Storm cloud
- Stormcloud
- Superman shot
- Superman shot n° 2
- Sweet 'n' Smooth
- T-bird
- Tequila mockingbird shooter
- Test tube baby n°2
- Test tube baby n°3
- The angry german
- The ATP
- The Bianca Pop
- The Colombian
- The double team
- The Graduate
- The manhattan project
- The other half
- The polish pounder
- The Sundowner
- Thunder cloud
- To the moon
- Toasted almond
- Toolkit
- Traffic light shot
- Tully's Nuts & Berries
- Turkeyball
- Twinkle My Lights
- Upper cut (Uppercut)
- Valentine's day
- Valium liquide
- Viagra Shot
- Virgin on the Rocks
- Warm blonde
- Warped willie shooter
- Watermelon shot
- Wench
- Wicked stepmother
- Wild hawaiian turkey shooter
- Will Willy Wander
- Windowlicker
- Woodstock shooter
- Wookie
- X
- Zombie gélatine
- Zoo Station
- Zool